Monday, November 1, 2010

Top Ten questions asked during our recent Home Show

Pondtastic was recently featured in the largest Home Show in our area.

We built and amazing waterfall and pond and complemented it with a breathtaking slate staked urn with with water pluming from the top splashing down among 25-30 tropical water lilies.

Putting together a display like this is ... well the only way to put it is to say , Its hard work !

We then get the opportunity to talk with hundreds of people a day. Talking about ponds is fun for us... we kinda like em if ya haven't noticed.....

But we thought it would be funny to make up a  
Top Ten List of the questions asked at the Orlando Home Show
... in Letterman style !

Number 10... How much is something like this?
Answer: Every pond we build is custom. That means that every pond has a different amount of rock, pumps, filtration, fish, plants, labor, lighting..... as you can imagine that is a difficult question to answer in such broad strokes.

Number 9 .... where are you located? are you local ?
Answer: Yes we are local. We are located right here in Orlando.

Number 8.... how difficult is it to maintain a pond like this?
Answer:  We LOVE ecosystem ponds !  Nature works !  10-15 minutes a few on the average pond.

Number 7... are these rocks real ?
Answer:  Yes they are real!  In our display this year we used about 20,000lbs of Tennessee field stone and river rounds. It always cracks us up when people walk up and knock on the big rocks.... yeah their real.. real heavy!

Number 6... what kind of fish are those?
Answer: We prefer to stock a pond with Koi. They are really Japanese carp and carp are scavengers by nature.. so they help us to maintain the pond ( see number 8)

Number 5... can you build a waterfall like that into my pool?
Answer: Sorry we don't do pools. In most cases the decks of the pools are not built to handle the weight of the real rock we use. We recommend building a feature near the pool or create the illusion that the waterfall is entering the pool.

Number long does it take you to build this display?
Answer: We begin the preparation months in advance as the design stage begins... but actual building time is usually about 30 hours.. all hands on deck!

Number 3... how do you get the water in there?
Answer: Yup...people really ask that. You know who you are!

Number 2...Is Pondtastic Water Gardens a chain or a franchise?
Answer: Nope we are a family owed and operated company. We believe that family is important and our pondtastic family is always growing!

Number 1... can you put this in my backyard?
Answer:  SURE  you grab that side and Ill grab this side and we can load it in your truck !

On a serious note we had a blast talking with so many people about ponds, waterfalls and water features.

Look for us in a backyard near you !