Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Holy Heatwave Batman...

Well not really but as the summer months approach we can expect a warm summer here in Central Florida. Our outdoor ponds are going to face a tough year if we don't take some preventative steps now.

In Orlando we had the worst winter we have experienced in 13 years (that's what the weatherman said anyways)and that means that most of us have lost a great deal of the aquatic plants we have nurtured for years.

These plants are important to the health of your pond and we need to replace them as soon as possible.

Why are they so important?
Aquatic plants play a vitial role in the nitrogen cycle of your pond.
They provide shelter for your fish.
They compete with algae for nutrients in the water.
They filter the water by converting fish waste into plant food.

Get the idea why they are important?  And I haven't even started talking about the beneficial oxygen they provide and what that means to your pond.

Have more questions about aquatic plants?  Come see us on April 9th and 10th for Water Garden Weekend,  100s of aquatic plants available ... over 30 varieties.

Don't Miss It !

Next Blog........ Beneficial Bacteria and what it means to your pond !

Thursday, March 25, 2010

You can lead a fish to water....

As our weather finally gets back to normal acceptable Florida temperatures as pond owners we know what is around the corner. The summer heat !

Yeah we all complain about the cold and make comments about the weather but we all really want that perfect compromise of the extremes. There is nothing we can do to stop it, the summer heat and afternoon thunderstorms will be here before we know it.

Soooo what can you do to make it a better summer with your pond. It is really quite simple or as I recently read on a friends website.  Beautifully Simple and Simply Beautiful...

The better you understand the ecosystem and they way the plants, fish and beneficial bacteria work together, the better you will understand how to maintain your pond.

We could just tell you... add 3 squirts of this and 2 scoops of that every 4 days but at Pondtastic Water Gardens we would rather teach why you are doing it. The old saying about teaching a man to fish comes to mind....

Are you confused about the way your pond is suppose to run ?
Do you understand the ecosystem ?
We love the opportunity to teach and share the right way to build and maintain ponds.

Monday -Saturday 9am 6pm   stop by and talk ponds with the experts !

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Back to Nature

We often talk about getting "back to nature", "being green" and 'being environmentally responsible". These have become popular catch phrases, or buzz words.

In my business, these are huge. We are inspired by nature to mimic the effects of a waterfall we have seen in the woods. We study the creek beds to help us create a more natural appearance to our creations. A good friend of mine once said " A pond is meant to be discovered and explored, not viewed.". What he means is that we should see new things within our features all the time.  Our plants grow and our fish grow and everything is changing.

So you can see why nature is important to me but I have to share with you the reason for this blog topic. This past weekend my son had some friends over to our home for a small birthday party. ( Happy 14th Birthday Brock ).

For those of you who have not been to my home, we refer to it as Aqua Casa. The water greets you at the sidewalk and as you follow the 75' stream up the side of the house and into the backyard you are then met by waterfalls and the main pond. We have lots of fish ( over 100) of all sizes and colors. Our backyard is a true escape type of backyard.

Now as his friends arrived at the house they all made their way to the backyard. They were so captivated by the pond and the fish.As I watched them I overheard one of the kids " Man, I cant believe you have this in your backyard!  I would be out here all the time."

It was really cool to watch this group of 14 yr old kids play with our fish,  hand feeding them and really enjoying nature. Most of them probably never have that opportunity. It was great to see them appreciate it.

I know that I am guilty of sometimes getting so wrapped up in everyday life that I don't stop to appreciate nature and our environment.

It is really great to just pause... even for just a minute... and take notice.

Try it!  It will change the rest of your day....

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Does it really make a difference?

In most cases.... Yes it does!

Can you think of a case where it wouldn't matter how determined you are?

"I am determined" is my new motto .

I am determined to build up the people around be to help them be more successful
A man I respect greatly has said for years that the best way to get what you want is to help others get what they want. I am going to apply that to my everyday.

I am determined to build positive relationships.
Lets face it, these are tough times for everyone, and everyone needs a sympathetic ear from time to time, but I need to be around people who are optimistic and i need people to want to be around me because I am an optimistic and positive influence.

I am determined to build a successful business.
I work for the same reasons as everyone else... to provide for my family. Not just for right now but for the future as well. What does that mean to me? I think it ties directly to the previous two...

It is amazing what kind of  response I get from people when hey present me with a problem and I respond
" I am determined"

Try it !

Friday, March 5, 2010

Why Ponds?

I get asked this question from time to time and it is usually as are in the middle hand carrying in 4 tons of rock or at the end of the day when I am exhausted from the actual digging of the pond.

Sometimes I ask myself the same question, with the economic status of our country together with moving our business to a larger Orlando location and expanding our services and selection,this past year has not been an easy one to say the least.

But I have to say that I LOVE what I do.... when I get stressed out, or somethings bothering me, I want to build ponds.  My back problems don't allow me to always do what i want to do but it is defiantly my escape.

I am jealous of some of my friends who have great stories about how or why they are in the pond business. Most of them started off as hobbyist or left the high paying executive corner office with the view to reconnect with nature..... My story is not really all that interesting.

We owned a landscape company and from time to time we would be asked to do a water feature. Well we muddled our way thru them just like most landscapers do but we always thought ... there has to be a better way.

That's when I attended my first Aquascape Pondemonum . The countries largest gathering of pond builders... wow.

We have since closed down the landscape company and constrained all our efforts on Pondtastic. We have assembled a great team of people who love what they do as much as we do.

But if you want to know the real answer to the question... why ponds? All you have to do is look at the face of homeower as you turn on the waterfall for the first time, or listen to the kids giggle as the fish nibble of their fingers. The best moments are about helping a family reconnect with nature or giving a couple a place to sit and relax and enjoy each other after a long days work.

that's why ponds...........