Friday, March 5, 2010

Why Ponds?

I get asked this question from time to time and it is usually as are in the middle hand carrying in 4 tons of rock or at the end of the day when I am exhausted from the actual digging of the pond.

Sometimes I ask myself the same question, with the economic status of our country together with moving our business to a larger Orlando location and expanding our services and selection,this past year has not been an easy one to say the least.

But I have to say that I LOVE what I do.... when I get stressed out, or somethings bothering me, I want to build ponds.  My back problems don't allow me to always do what i want to do but it is defiantly my escape.

I am jealous of some of my friends who have great stories about how or why they are in the pond business. Most of them started off as hobbyist or left the high paying executive corner office with the view to reconnect with nature..... My story is not really all that interesting.

We owned a landscape company and from time to time we would be asked to do a water feature. Well we muddled our way thru them just like most landscapers do but we always thought ... there has to be a better way.

That's when I attended my first Aquascape Pondemonum . The countries largest gathering of pond builders... wow.

We have since closed down the landscape company and constrained all our efforts on Pondtastic. We have assembled a great team of people who love what they do as much as we do.

But if you want to know the real answer to the question... why ponds? All you have to do is look at the face of homeower as you turn on the waterfall for the first time, or listen to the kids giggle as the fish nibble of their fingers. The best moments are about helping a family reconnect with nature or giving a couple a place to sit and relax and enjoy each other after a long days work.

that's why ponds...........

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