Thursday, December 16, 2010

New Product Review ** Aquascape Pondless Spillway

I guess we were good boys and girls here this year because Santa has sent us some new product to test, explore and experiment with. We are really excited about this new entry into the water feature market for several reasons.
  • Compact design allows us much more flexibility in designing and building breathtaking waterfalls
  • Durable construction allows us to actually place these into the waterfall and place large rocks on top of them .. versatility is cool!
  • Thru- liner bulkhead allows us the option of placing the connection lines inside or outside the liner without the addition of another bulkhead

We couldn't wait to get these spillways installed and we were not disappointed in the results.  These are a great option for pondless waterfalls or secondary falls on an ecosystem pond.

o yeah I almost forgot the best part.....

This product represents a savings to our customers! The price point on these of $120.00 they are a great value against the signature series biofalls  ($459) and even the microfalls ($260).

Keep in mind not every product fits every application but for what we can see, the Aquascape Waterfall Spillway is a winner!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Top Ten questions asked during our recent Home Show

Pondtastic was recently featured in the largest Home Show in our area.

We built and amazing waterfall and pond and complemented it with a breathtaking slate staked urn with with water pluming from the top splashing down among 25-30 tropical water lilies.

Putting together a display like this is ... well the only way to put it is to say , Its hard work !

We then get the opportunity to talk with hundreds of people a day. Talking about ponds is fun for us... we kinda like em if ya haven't noticed.....

But we thought it would be funny to make up a  
Top Ten List of the questions asked at the Orlando Home Show
... in Letterman style !

Number 10... How much is something like this?
Answer: Every pond we build is custom. That means that every pond has a different amount of rock, pumps, filtration, fish, plants, labor, lighting..... as you can imagine that is a difficult question to answer in such broad strokes.

Number 9 .... where are you located? are you local ?
Answer: Yes we are local. We are located right here in Orlando.

Number 8.... how difficult is it to maintain a pond like this?
Answer:  We LOVE ecosystem ponds !  Nature works !  10-15 minutes a few on the average pond.

Number 7... are these rocks real ?
Answer:  Yes they are real!  In our display this year we used about 20,000lbs of Tennessee field stone and river rounds. It always cracks us up when people walk up and knock on the big rocks.... yeah their real.. real heavy!

Number 6... what kind of fish are those?
Answer: We prefer to stock a pond with Koi. They are really Japanese carp and carp are scavengers by nature.. so they help us to maintain the pond ( see number 8)

Number 5... can you build a waterfall like that into my pool?
Answer: Sorry we don't do pools. In most cases the decks of the pools are not built to handle the weight of the real rock we use. We recommend building a feature near the pool or create the illusion that the waterfall is entering the pool.

Number long does it take you to build this display?
Answer: We begin the preparation months in advance as the design stage begins... but actual building time is usually about 30 hours.. all hands on deck!

Number 3... how do you get the water in there?
Answer: Yup...people really ask that. You know who you are!

Number 2...Is Pondtastic Water Gardens a chain or a franchise?
Answer: Nope we are a family owed and operated company. We believe that family is important and our pondtastic family is always growing!

Number 1... can you put this in my backyard?
Answer:  SURE  you grab that side and Ill grab this side and we can load it in your truck !

On a serious note we had a blast talking with so many people about ponds, waterfalls and water features.

Look for us in a backyard near you !

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Tell a story !

Recently Seth Godin wrote in his daily blog:

People are moved by stories...
It took a minute for this is sink in before I realized how true that statement really is and the impact it has had on our business.

If you know us at all, you know that we love a good story !

It doesn't really matter what it is about we love sharing our lives and experiences with our friends/ customers.

I think that because of this our customers/friends enjoy sharing their stories with us.

We like to say that "we build friendships one pond at a time " and that attitude carries thru our entire staff.

We have been invited to many of our customers/friends weddings , birthdays, BBQs, Christmas parties, etc... We are so thankful that our customers/friends invite us into their lives.

We love sharing stories and we love hearing stories... got a good one to share?  Send us an email and let us know.

Monday, August 9, 2010

I'm Happy !

This past week was our annual pilgrimage to St. Charles Illinois for the pond industries largest gathering of water feature professionals, Pondemonium.

The first words from Greg Wittstock in the opening speech were " I'm happy "
He then went on to expand on the many reasons he has to be happy.... it kinda made me think.
You see as a small business owner in today's climate (and I am not talking about the weather ) it is easy to get down or let the stress of the day wear you down.  It is easy to NOT be happy.

I am sure that applies to you too, no matter what you do for a living.
So I started making a list as I sat listening Greg,  ( in no particular order )

I am Happy because:

  • I have a healthy family 
  • I have a loving family
  • I have a thriving business
  • I have an amazing wife who shares my passion and dreams and is always by my side
  • I still have a business
  • I get to do something I LOVE everyday
  • I get to work with people that share my dreams
  • I get to change peoples lives in ways they didn't ever foresee
  • I have created so many friendships that I would never had :
    • Clients/Customers
    • Pond builders all over the country
    • Pond hobbiests all over the world
  • I am happy I work in an industry full of people who are inspiring people who are willing to share their successes and failures to help us all be better
Now that was just a quick list I jotted down and I am sure there are so many other things I should be happy for. 

How about you?

Friday, July 23, 2010

Do the butterflies ever go away ?

Today we spent the majority of our day preparing for an event tomorrow here at our Orlando location. This " Build A Pond" seminar/class/event is something that we have done as a team many, many times and the subject we are teaching... well lets just say we are pretty good at it.

But I still find myself running around double checking and  crossing off items on an never ending to do list and having this feeling in my stomach. You know what I am talking about right?... the nervous stomach?

I know that tomorrow will be a GREAT day .

Tomorrow we get to share with people who are eager to learn.
Tomorrow we get to start people towards enjoying the pond lifestyle. 
Tomorrow we get to create Paradise !

But for some reason I still have butterflies.......

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Pondtastic Travels to Chicago's Pondemonium Event.

From August 5th - 7th, distributors, contractors, and retailers from across the country will come together in Chicago for an event designed to help educate, learn and inspire professional water garden businesses.

We look forward to this event each year and with a theme focused on returning to our roots and getting back to basics this year is no different. WaterScapes Pro, your Charlotte pond builder, repair and 
maintenance people, will again be attending Pondemonium in Chicago this 
August to learn advanced pond building and management techniques.
 This year's Pondemonium® focuses on the core business of the water garden industry and will provide classes, hands-on builds, and networking events.

The workshops on advanced pond building techniques, new water garden filtering products, and the latest technologies in maintenance and repair will only help us to serve our customers better and provide you all with exceptional service.

Monday, June 14, 2010

A Clowns Prayer

Many of you may have heard this before but, I heard it for the first time this past weekend.

As I listened to the words I couldnt help to think to myself...

"Thats how I feel about building water features"

I think that the world would be a better place if we all lived our lives like this....

As I stumble through this life,
help me to create more laughter than tears,

dispense more cheer than gloom,

spread more cheer than despair.

Never let me become so indifferent,

that I will fail to see the wonders in the eyes of a child,

or the twinkle in the eyes of the aged.

Never let me forget that my total effort is to cheer people,

make them happy, and forget momentarily,

all the unpleasantness in their lives.

And in my final moment,

may I hear You whisper:

"When you made My people smile,

you made Me smile."

 I feel so lucky to be able to do something I love for a living and so blessed to have surrounded myself with people who feel the same.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Social Media has become a game changer.

Travel back in time with me to a time when you were considering having work performed by a contractor or company of any kind.

Think about the process that you went through in order to select the person who you felt was qualified and offered you the best value. You probably asked to see photos of their work, references from their previous clients and more.

As a contractor we have been accustom to providing this information and in fact most of our clients  volunteer to speak to any of our prospective clients. But recently this all changed.....

Thanks to Social media sites like Facebook, Potential clients have access to not just our selected group of references or the photos we choose for our slide show presentation.

They have direct access to our clients
They have direct access to our photos of our work.
They have direct access to how we interact with our customers.

For us, that is a good thing !
We work very hard to maintain a positive relationship with all of our clients and consider most of them friends.

Our clients/friends will tell you that.

We are active in our community,
We are active in education,

Social Media Sites like Facebook give a potential client the ability to do some homework on our company before they ever contact us.

Recently we had a potential client:
all of this before we ever met them....

we just completed their pond and it is amazing. They are overjoyed with their decision and they feel good about the entire process. That the best advertising money can buy ! 

Do you know what your clients are saying about your business? Do you like it?

We do !

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


First let me tell you that this has absolutely nothing to do with ponds...or does it...

Websters defines Individuality as:

1 total character peculiar to and distinguishing an individual from others
2 the quality or state of being indivisible
3 separate or distinct existence

When we think of individuality it usually is used to define someone who resists the norm or is different than everyone else. Something or someone that does not " fit in" is the causal definition of individuality.

For instance how many of you have a 6' tall ostrich in your living room, complete with decorations,(seasonal outfits), funky multi-colored socks, shades, a captains hat and high top converse sneakers? I will go out on a limb here and say... none of you probably have that. but that's what I found as i entered a home for a consultation last week.

Of course I asked permission to take a photo and talk about it on my blog because I was immediately forced to smile as I entered this home.


These parents of 2 teenagers and 1 preteen are teaching their kids a life lesson here in my opinion. These kids know that it is "ok" to have a 6' ostrich in the living room. They know it is "ok" to not do,say or act the "norm".

Dont everyone run out and buy 6' ostriches for your living rooms......maybe I am reading too much into this.
I have to admit... I do not have an ostrich in my living room.

Individuality is important.. not being afraid to march to a different drum, to be "yourself ".

I left this home with a smile of my face... isn't that a good enough reason to get an ostrich?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Water Quality ? yeah yeah yeah ... my water is fine !

Lets have a quick discussion about water quality and the effects of poor water quality.

pH- my last blog went into detail about pH but we can cover the basics here.

*pH is the measure of acidity or alkalinity in the water. A healthy pond depends on a balanced pH. The acceptable range for fish ponds is between 6.8 and 7.6.
*low pH is normally caused by lack of oxygen (surface agitation) build up of carbon dioxides and/or too many fish.
*high pH is normally caused by cement or limestone leaching into the water or a high pH water source.

Ammonia- toxic waste from animals ( fish, birds etc )

*a healthy pond has NO detectable ammonia.
*a healthy pond uses a biological filtration to remove the ammonia. By adding a nitrifying bacteria that uses the ammonia and a food source.

Nitrites- toxic solid waste from animals (fish, frogs, birds etc )

*nitrites left unchecked turn into ammonia (see above) and become toxic
*nitrites is converted (by the nitrifying bacteria)into nitrates which is consumed by your plants for food.
*overfeeding, overstocking, dead plant material are some of the more common causes of high nitrite levels.

Phosphate- dead organics in the pond

*most common build up of phosphate comes from use of an algaecide product
*dead algae, fish waste, decaying organics are also among leading causes
*sometimes phosphates are used in our water treatment plants to prevent corrosion of pipes
*a healthy pond should not register any Phosphate level

Soooo do you know more than you did before you read this? I hope so and I hope you have questions...

The key to every item listed here is Beneficial Bacteria. The addition and dosage of a QUALITY beneficial bacteria can make the difference between a healthy pond and a lot of heartache.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Mysteries of pH

 I know the title sounds like a best selling murder mystery title but we are really going to talk about the pH readings in your pond and how they change, what changes it and what you need to be worried about.

First let me clarify that i am not a big advocate of " Micro Managing " your pond. I mean I don't want you out there everyday doing all kinds of water tests and keeping a journal of your findings.... that doesn't sound relaxing to me at all.

The questions about pH start every year about this time. When our weather turns warm and a lot of ponds experience an algae bloom.  Algae is a plant right?   Remember photosynthesis? During the daylight, plants produce oxygen directly from the carbon dioxide dissolved in the water and energy obtained from the sunlight.... this is also known as photosynthesis.

Without getting too technical ( talking about alkaline carbonates and bicarbonates ) we will just say that is causes the pH to fluctuate ... the more algae =  the more fluctuation.

pH is not generally a problem but it can and usually does have an  effect on the toxicity of ammonia.

The problem comes in when we don't understand the reasons behind our pH levels and instead of fixing a problem in the pond we want to add in a scoop of this or a scoop of that.

We want you to understand that it is the organics that build up in the pond ( ie fish waste) , the heat, and the amount of algae in your pond that is the culprit here. We need to remove the waste from the pond by both biological filtration ( adding in beneficial bacteria ) and physical removal ( cleaning your filters ).

We have found that it is a complete waste of money and time to try and  artificially control pH in a pond.

Learn anything?  Have questions? Stop in and we can go into more detail !

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Holy Heatwave Batman...

Well not really but as the summer months approach we can expect a warm summer here in Central Florida. Our outdoor ponds are going to face a tough year if we don't take some preventative steps now.

In Orlando we had the worst winter we have experienced in 13 years (that's what the weatherman said anyways)and that means that most of us have lost a great deal of the aquatic plants we have nurtured for years.

These plants are important to the health of your pond and we need to replace them as soon as possible.

Why are they so important?
Aquatic plants play a vitial role in the nitrogen cycle of your pond.
They provide shelter for your fish.
They compete with algae for nutrients in the water.
They filter the water by converting fish waste into plant food.

Get the idea why they are important?  And I haven't even started talking about the beneficial oxygen they provide and what that means to your pond.

Have more questions about aquatic plants?  Come see us on April 9th and 10th for Water Garden Weekend,  100s of aquatic plants available ... over 30 varieties.

Don't Miss It !

Next Blog........ Beneficial Bacteria and what it means to your pond !

Thursday, March 25, 2010

You can lead a fish to water....

As our weather finally gets back to normal acceptable Florida temperatures as pond owners we know what is around the corner. The summer heat !

Yeah we all complain about the cold and make comments about the weather but we all really want that perfect compromise of the extremes. There is nothing we can do to stop it, the summer heat and afternoon thunderstorms will be here before we know it.

Soooo what can you do to make it a better summer with your pond. It is really quite simple or as I recently read on a friends website.  Beautifully Simple and Simply Beautiful...

The better you understand the ecosystem and they way the plants, fish and beneficial bacteria work together, the better you will understand how to maintain your pond.

We could just tell you... add 3 squirts of this and 2 scoops of that every 4 days but at Pondtastic Water Gardens we would rather teach why you are doing it. The old saying about teaching a man to fish comes to mind....

Are you confused about the way your pond is suppose to run ?
Do you understand the ecosystem ?
We love the opportunity to teach and share the right way to build and maintain ponds.

Monday -Saturday 9am 6pm   stop by and talk ponds with the experts !

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Back to Nature

We often talk about getting "back to nature", "being green" and 'being environmentally responsible". These have become popular catch phrases, or buzz words.

In my business, these are huge. We are inspired by nature to mimic the effects of a waterfall we have seen in the woods. We study the creek beds to help us create a more natural appearance to our creations. A good friend of mine once said " A pond is meant to be discovered and explored, not viewed.". What he means is that we should see new things within our features all the time.  Our plants grow and our fish grow and everything is changing.

So you can see why nature is important to me but I have to share with you the reason for this blog topic. This past weekend my son had some friends over to our home for a small birthday party. ( Happy 14th Birthday Brock ).

For those of you who have not been to my home, we refer to it as Aqua Casa. The water greets you at the sidewalk and as you follow the 75' stream up the side of the house and into the backyard you are then met by waterfalls and the main pond. We have lots of fish ( over 100) of all sizes and colors. Our backyard is a true escape type of backyard.

Now as his friends arrived at the house they all made their way to the backyard. They were so captivated by the pond and the fish.As I watched them I overheard one of the kids " Man, I cant believe you have this in your backyard!  I would be out here all the time."

It was really cool to watch this group of 14 yr old kids play with our fish,  hand feeding them and really enjoying nature. Most of them probably never have that opportunity. It was great to see them appreciate it.

I know that I am guilty of sometimes getting so wrapped up in everyday life that I don't stop to appreciate nature and our environment.

It is really great to just pause... even for just a minute... and take notice.

Try it!  It will change the rest of your day....

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Does it really make a difference?

In most cases.... Yes it does!

Can you think of a case where it wouldn't matter how determined you are?

"I am determined" is my new motto .

I am determined to build up the people around be to help them be more successful
A man I respect greatly has said for years that the best way to get what you want is to help others get what they want. I am going to apply that to my everyday.

I am determined to build positive relationships.
Lets face it, these are tough times for everyone, and everyone needs a sympathetic ear from time to time, but I need to be around people who are optimistic and i need people to want to be around me because I am an optimistic and positive influence.

I am determined to build a successful business.
I work for the same reasons as everyone else... to provide for my family. Not just for right now but for the future as well. What does that mean to me? I think it ties directly to the previous two...

It is amazing what kind of  response I get from people when hey present me with a problem and I respond
" I am determined"

Try it !

Friday, March 5, 2010

Why Ponds?

I get asked this question from time to time and it is usually as are in the middle hand carrying in 4 tons of rock or at the end of the day when I am exhausted from the actual digging of the pond.

Sometimes I ask myself the same question, with the economic status of our country together with moving our business to a larger Orlando location and expanding our services and selection,this past year has not been an easy one to say the least.

But I have to say that I LOVE what I do.... when I get stressed out, or somethings bothering me, I want to build ponds.  My back problems don't allow me to always do what i want to do but it is defiantly my escape.

I am jealous of some of my friends who have great stories about how or why they are in the pond business. Most of them started off as hobbyist or left the high paying executive corner office with the view to reconnect with nature..... My story is not really all that interesting.

We owned a landscape company and from time to time we would be asked to do a water feature. Well we muddled our way thru them just like most landscapers do but we always thought ... there has to be a better way.

That's when I attended my first Aquascape Pondemonum . The countries largest gathering of pond builders... wow.

We have since closed down the landscape company and constrained all our efforts on Pondtastic. We have assembled a great team of people who love what they do as much as we do.

But if you want to know the real answer to the question... why ponds? All you have to do is look at the face of homeower as you turn on the waterfall for the first time, or listen to the kids giggle as the fish nibble of their fingers. The best moments are about helping a family reconnect with nature or giving a couple a place to sit and relax and enjoy each other after a long days work.

that's why ponds...........

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Water Features ...... what does that mean to you?

Water features can mean different things to different people.

A water feature can be as simple as a fountain placed along a walking path in your backyard or a bubbling urn placed by the entrance to your home.

They can turn your yard into something special., provide a focal point or create a intimate area hidden with your property.

We have all seen the huge koi pond  that takes the entire back yard... like mine. haha

We have all seen HGTV episodes when they are adding in the small bamboo water garden in a corner.

A water feature is as personal a choice as anything else... everything from the type of feature to the location where it is placed.

At Pondtastic Water Gardens we can help you make the right choice and find that prefect item... with so much to choose from it should be easy.

We have the opportunity to talk with so many people everyday about water features and it never ceases to amaze me all of the neat ideas that people can dream up. I LOVE IT !

Some ideas work and some need some adjustments .... but in the end our roadside sign says it all !

Pondtastic Water Gardens
Ponds,Fountains, Waterfalls, Streams and DREAMS !

Friday, February 26, 2010

Its all about your perspective....

Many hands make light work   Too many cooks spoil the broth.
Look before you leap.  He who hesitates is lost.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder   Out of sight, out of mind.
The more the merrier  Two's company, three's a crowd
Look before you leap    Strike while the iron is hot
Birds of a feather flock together  Opposites attract
Que sera sera Life is what you make it
Nothing ventured, nothing gained  Better safe than sorry
Beware of Greeks bearing gifts  Never look a gift horse in the mouth
The clothes make the man Don't judge a book by its cover
You're never too old to learn  You can't teach an old dog new tricks
The pen is mightier than the sword  Actions speak louder than words
An eye for an eye Turn the other cheek
It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you play the game  Winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thing
Haste makes waste  Make hay while the sun shines
If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all  Honesty is the best policy
It takes one to know one  You don't have to be a chicken to know a rotten egg.
Still waters run deep  The calm before the storm
The end does not justify the means   All's well that ends well.
Great minds think alike   Fools seldom differ.
The early bird gets the worm, It's the second mouse who gets the cheese.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread   He who hesitates is lost.
Knowledge is power   Power corrupts
The squeaking wheel gets the grease  The quacking duck gets shot.
Variety is the spice of life   Go with what you know
The road to hell is paved with good intentions  It's the thought that counts
The Devil is in the details   Don't sweat the small stuff

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Little Victories

Yesterday I was not having the best day... chalk it up to  Monday ...

I had a long time customer stop in our Orlando store I had just returned from a job site in Kissimmee when he stopped in. Ya see, this customer is the guy that has been doing ponds since before i was alive and nothing I said was correct.
But I didn't give up.

He is the guy that would stand in the store and tell potential customers that koi are overpriced and over rated and that all this ecosystem stuff was a bunch of ****.

When I saw him walking around the store yesterday I greeted him and he shook my hand and said " Thanks, My pond has never looked so good !" I almost fell over backwards....

After many talks about the ecosystem and benefits of natural filtration he had actually tired what I told him and it worked.... imagine that.

So in the mist of a typical Monday ...I had a reason to smile ... a new happy customer and a little victory !

Monday, February 22, 2010

Trade Offs

We all are faced with choices all day , everyday. Some of these choices are easy ones.. some require more thought. Some we are able to make in a split second and some of them keep us up at night as we agonize over each detail of the outcome.Most of the time we are dealing with " trade offs " , weighing out the pros and cons, looking at it from all angles.

We all deal with a different set of trade offs. I think that the basis for these decisions going back to our core values. What do we believe to be right and wrong and what sacrifice are we willing to make for our values.

The bigger the choice the more time and energy we devote to it.

Since we all have different ideas of what is right and wrong and we all have different core values that means that we all have a different set of " trade offs" we are willing to make. It is not a black and white issue... it is not as easy as right and wrong.

It is a trade off and after you are done making your choice... all you can do is hope you made the right one.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Squares and Triangles

Is your schedule as full as mine?

If you were to get a look at my schedule you would see that when looking at it in month view it shows in the corners either a square or a triangle. This indicates at a glance how much of the day is scheduled.

Theresa and I use the same calendar system and then we share between each other.. that way we know where each other are. (does that makes sense?)

The reason I share this with you is that our friends tease us about our calendar and trying to schedule time with " The Prices".

We as a family have decided to really make an effort to make more time for us as family. The reality of owning a small business especially in these times means working harder and longer and never ever taking your eye off the ball. But we have done a good job in spite of all of that.

Why have I decided to share all of this..... well this weekend we are having a " get together " at our house and we have friends coming from all over. Friends that have moved away over the years and friends that have their own squares and triangles....

I guess I am really looking forward to having a couple of days with no squares or triangles .. just spending time with friends , relaxing , telling stories and enjoying life.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"Every choice you make has an end result". .....Zig Ziglar

 This could not be more true than for the project we started yesterday.

This customer was considering a pond about 2 years ago and  came to our store to check us out, however at that time we were still closing early on Saturdays. They came after hours and we had gone home for the day.

Unfortunate for both of us....

Ya see they had seen several of our ponds in their neighborhood and they knew what they wanted but before they had the opportunity to come back and see us again, another contractor ( the screen guy) recommended a friend of theirs ( a landscape company ) to build the pond.

They met with the landscape company and decided to hire them to build the pond.

At this point I had no knowledge any of this was even going on... it wasn't until months later when they started having problems with their pond that I heard this story. ( Needless to say we no longer close early on Saturdays.)

But the real point of this post is not the decision of operating hours but rather the customers decision on who they hired to build their pond.

Of course the landscape company that built this pond is no longer in business ( surprise surprise) and we started the complete demo and rebuild of this pond yesterday.

I knew their were problems with this pond but I had no idea the extent. WOW talk about a complete mess. I wont get into specifics but only to say that it really kind of made me angry to think that this even happened.

The whole idea that these people paid hard earned cash to have paradise created in their backyard only to get ... well lets just say " less than paradise" bothers me.

We work way to hard to do things the right way and to break down the myths about ponds to have this kind of stuff going on under our noses. But I guess we cant be everywhere....

 As we begin the rebuilding process today. I know that our team has already become friends with this new client and will make their pond both beautiful and functional, so they can finally start enjoying the pond lifestyle.

I know this family has now made the right choice !

Monday, February 15, 2010

Gentlemen start your engines...

I am really not a Nascar fan but with the Daytona 500 going on yesterday  I did catch some of it on TV.

I dont know if you saw it or not but if you did not, the race was delayed 2x due to problems with the track.

Are you kidding me? Problems with the track?
To me the Daytona 500 is the biggest name in racing. (forgive me if I am wrong but that is just my opinion )
The big race that happens once a year... they have all year to prepare for this event and what happens....

Well I couldn't help but think that is how it works for me also. Ya see, we plan plan and then we plan but no matter what something happens... ( we have problems with the track )  a bearing goes out on the forklift, the battery goes dead on a truck, a delivery didn't come in on time, one of our team is sick or injured... I could go on and on.

Where am I going with all of this.... well to me it is all about your state of mind. Maybe it is due to the nature of what I do for a living and the lifestyle that we share with so many people but I find the victories in the things that go well or as planned. I take note of the daily defeats and try to adjust my plan for the future without dwelling on them or carrying them from day to day.

Each day is new and the possibilities for victories or defeats are equal. Sometimes all we can do is start our engines and get going!

I think we will have a victorious day !

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Customer Appreciation Day at Pondtastic

WOW  what a day.....

I can admit it now,  I was nervous. We had put alot of time& energy into this event and the weather was not looking good at all.

We had bad rainstorms yesterday and a temperature drop this week had people bundling up and staying indoors.

It could have potentially been a disaster.

But once again our customers are the best customers any small business could have.  We had crowd sitting in the cold listening to our guest speakers teaching their mini seminars. We had crowds of people all day long.

I know today was deemed " Customer Appreciation Day " but in the end of the day it is truly us that are thankful for all of you....

Thank you all !

Friday, February 12, 2010

rain rain and more rain

Well today is our last day of preparation for Customer Appreciation Day . This has been a very challenging week. We had alot of new items come in and 6 truck loads of trees!  Yeah you heard me right.. Trees !

We have gone into the tree business also. We figured it is a great addition to the pond business. We can offer our customers an instant landscape.

Hey we have to staff,trucks and equipment .. why not right?

More than anything else there is a demand in this area for quality trees and reasonable prices.

But today we have had nothing but rain rain rain ! It is making it miserable to work outdoors.  Our guys are troopers thou... they are all out there in the cold and the rain getting everything ready for tomorrow!

I just watched the weather report and the rain is suppose to go away soon.. and be clear tomorrow and we are happy about that.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Welcome to my pond... relax and stay awhile

Well this is my first ever blog.....

I hope I am doing this correctly haha

Ok, so tomorrow we plan on our new website going live. This is very exciting for us because we have been planning and working on this website and the concept of it for about a year now.

We finally have it finished and I have to say I think it looks PONDTASTIC.

We are also just 2 days from our biggest event of the year here at our Orlando showroom. We are hosting a Customer Appreciation Day on Saturday Feb 13th.

Our staff has been working long hours to prepare for this event. We have brought in so many new items... we have guest speakers all day long... specials... and FREE HOT DOGS haha

I plan on using this blog to talk about everything.... we will discuss the pond industry, environmental issues, the weather, client questions, new products and virtually anything else that pops into my head.

Nothing is off limits !

I plan on this blog being current and informational and at all times.... entertaining.